

Why are books released in hardback first?

When it comes to publishing books, there is usually a pre-set order to the way books are released. Hardcover books come first, followed by paperback, and then you have e-books or audio. Even in today’s modern world, hardback book printing still reigns supreme. But why? They are more expensive to print than paperbacks, and certainly […]

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Why Are School Yearbooks Important?

School yearbook printing has become more prevalent in recent years – once considered a feature of education across the Atlantic for our American cousins, the production of school yearbooks is now a common practice here. School yearbook printing requires much effort and funding but reaps many benefits for the school itself and its’ students and […]

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Mass Printing vs On Demand Printing

When it comes to printing, modern technology has revolutionised the business. You can now have many printed pieces produced much quicker and more efficiently through the digital process. Electronic print ready files and printing software enables better graphics and text on a wider range of paper. With two distinct options to choose from – mass […]

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In Gerald White’s memory

Print2Demand are very sad at the passing of Gerald White. Gerald passed away on Friday 15 October, after a battle with cancer.  Gerald White was born in 1961 and was a BPIF President in 2015/2016 and was the CEO of Berforts Group. He then went to work for Print2Demand Ltd as a Director.  Gerald’s eulogy […]

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