ISBN Explained

ISBN information and Custom Book Printing

ISBN number explained

With custom book printing-ISBN (International Standard Book Number)is used which contains 13 digits which uniquely identifies a single book or title. In conclusion the number is individual and applies to one book/title. Essentially it is a helpful numbering system. 

Do I need an ISBN number?

Especially relevant an ISBN is only required if you intend to sell your published books online. Or through bookshops and distributors. In addition if you intend to give an edition of a  book to family or friends you do not need an International Standard Book Number.

How do I get an ISBN?

Neilsen UK the ISBN Agency issue them in batches of ten numbers.

More information is available on the Neilsen website including the application form and guidance. You can also call them on 01483 712200 – they are happy to assist

You will need to supply a publisher name (which you create and register). Also needed will be contact information (address, contact telephone number, website, etc.). In addition this information is then shared with the international book distributors and shops. This will also be accessible by book retailers including all the major online retailers such as Amazon. It is therefore important that you, as the registered publisher, keep this information up-to-date with the ISBN Agency. If your address or any other relevant details change Neilsen must be advised in writing.

Can Print2Demand supply me with an ISBN?

Yes, we have an account with the ISBN Agency which means that we can help with assigning an ISBN number. The number is unique and will be 13 digits long. In the process you would register as distributor and all orders would come directly to you. Print2Demand then register as the publisher which is legally required with Neilsen. The requirement is to supply seven copies of your finished book. Of which six must be sent to the Legal Deposit Libraries. The other to The British Library. So these must be sent on completion of the print order of your title. If Print2Demand supply ISBN we can despatch these for you from your ordered quantity. The sending of these is a legal requirement of ISBN registration. We charge £150.00 for the supply and registration of an ISBN.

We will require the following information if we supply ISBN:

  • Title
  • Author
  • Cover Price
  • Blurb 300 words
  • Page count
  • Trim size
  • Category BIC (i.e. fiction for example)
  • Front cover image as jpeg file labelled by ISBN number only
  • Cover price

On your title verso or copyright page you must state the following:

Published by P2D Books Ltd

Can Print2Demand create a barcode from my ISBN?

Yes, Print2Demand can create a barcode from a supplied ISBN and place this on the back of your cover. Please allow a white box of approximately 35mm wide x 25mm high on the back cover. This will allow us to drop this in.

What is Legal Deposit?

The Legal Deposit for published books, journals, and magazines. All titles will deposit at the designated Legal Deposit libraries. Since 1662 this obligation has been English law.

In conclusion the main Legal Deposit library is The British Library. They automatically have the right to receive legal deposit copies. In addition Five other libraries will also entitled to ask for a free copy of any new titles. In addition: The Bodleian Library. Cambridge University Library. The National Library of Scotland. The National Library of Wales and The Library of Trinity College, Dublin.

Furthermore please visit The British Library’s website by clicking here.

Give us a call today on 01525 621742