How to Create A Modern Looking Catalogue

When your company is considering printed catalogues or brochures as part of their advertising or marketing campaigns, it is important to get the right effective design and quality to ensure you attract custom and relay your corporate message. A well-designed and printed catalogue can convey professional credibility as well as educate readers as to a business’s strengths and qualities – here are some important considerations when designing your company catalogues:

Clear Objective

Have a very clear idea of what your catalogue is setting out to achieve – this is a communication tool, so identify from the outset what the main message is that your brochure is to convey. Once you have firmly established the catalogue’s objective then your design will be easier and more effective.


As with the objective, establish upfront what and who your target market is – that way you can more easily capture their interests. The more you can pinpoint the needs and interests, the more effective catalogue you will be able to design and produce. 


Be creative and unique in your catalogue design – create a design that is original and accurately reflects your client’s brand image and marketplace.


Don’t be tempted into using many different fonts – whilst you may like the complexity of a clever design you need the catalogue to engage with its readers – too many fonts can make it a difficult read. Use fonts that most people are familiar with and, if the company you are representing uses a specific written style and font, then use that to maintain a brand consistency and something their client-base will recognise.


It is worth keeping in mind that this is a marketing brochure – it is not a book for leisure reading! Get to the point of the content – focus on what will attract and interest the reader – too much information about the company or product will only distract readers from the point of the brochure. Try to only include easy “everyday” language and terminology – using complex words and phrases may only confuse readers and especially avoid the use of industry ‘jargon’.  


The main concern for your design is your audience – go with what they will respond to rather than your own preference – the catalogue is being written for them, not you the designer! If the brand you are representing uses a bright orange as part of their corporate colours and logo then incorporate that – whether you like it or not – your aim is to engage with your brand’s target market.


Even if your design is smart and professional, if it is produced on poor quality materials then it will not be effective. Ensure that high quality paper is used for your catalogue printing – if poor quality materials are used, then those who receive the brochures will automatically assume that so will be the company’s products and services! If a company is going to the time and expense of mass booklet printing, then they will not want the wrong impression of their business to be projected – quality print materials show that the business is proud of their brand and has made an effort to show prospective customers just that!


Whilst you are using your catalogue or small booklet printing to convey information to your audience, you need to make the publication vibrant and interesting – a brochure that is just text can appear bland and boring. Ensure that you incorporate some imagery into the catalogue – make it more reader-friendly by using appropriate photographs and/or images that reflect the company and its products and services. Try to avoid generic images that other businesses may use – keep the imagery unique to the brand you are representing.


Include contact information in your catalogue – website and social media platform addresses, along with the traditional telephone and email information should be clearly visible in your brochure. Your catalogue is a great opportunity to involve your customers with a “call to action” to contact the business about the products and services – consider including a QR code that people can scan to engage with the business.

Catalogue Value

You want your target audience to retain the catalogue and refer to it repeatedly, so ensure that the brochure you produce has a lasting value. As mentioned earlier, with regards to catalogue production, the use of quality paper and print materials is important, along with a strong design and brochure content – a well-produced catalogue that looks and feels professional, attractive, and of high quality will be something people will feel is worth keeping!

Choose Print2Demand

Choosing and optimising your catalogue format is a complex process. So, if you’re considering producing a standard or custom catalogue, consider Print2Demand.

We are an all round UK book manufacturing and printing service. We work closely with publishers, self publishers and authors. We have a state of the art factory, complemented by our sales and marketing office in Westoning, Bedfordshire. We have invested in the very latest digital and litho printing technology, to integrate with a fully equipped craftsman bindery.  The conclusion of which means we are offering both softback and hardback books, to a very high standard of quality.

Order your book printing online or contact our team for more information.