

Practical uses for small booklet printing

There are certain book projects that require smaller booklet printing; creating a booklet that is smaller in width and height than the standard booklet design. Smaller binding is sometimes required too. These types of booklets are usually referred to as mini books, and are actually more common than you might think. If you’re considering your […]

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How to print a professional report

Many businesses from all sectors need to produce printed annual reports to provide information on finance, marketing and company performance for shareholders, investors, or any interested and relevant parties. Here are some aspects of annual reports and booklet printing that may be helpful when considering the production of your company report printing:  Your office printer […]

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Our top tips to create the perfect booklet

Booklet printing is a great printing vehicle if you want to produce catalogues, magazines or even small books. When producing your PDF to submit to your printer to produce your booklets, there are some aspects that you need to consider: Think about page counts – both front and back of each page Binding options can […]

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How to format a book for printing

Whenever you are writing a book, one of the biggest considerations is how to get the work published when it is finished. Self-publishing has become an easier option with the advent and progression of different software applications for book printing. Once you have decided to follow this option, there are steps necessary in order to […]

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Book cover design tips

There are many different aspects to bespoke book printing to consider when bringing a book to shops and libraries. One of the most important features is the book cover design – the main function of a book cover is to grab the attention of a potential buyer/reader for your work. You need a book cover […]

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How to write instructions for a user manual

The main function of any user instruction manual is to provide clear and concise instructions as to how to use a specific product, item or service. Whilst this may seem an obvious statement, many user guides have incomplete, incorrect or difficult to follow instructions – here are some guidelines to compiling successful, understandable, easy-to-follow instruction […]

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