How To Turn Your Blog Into A Book

Bloggers and social media experts can reach thousands of fans every day. It’s a great way to build a platform for yourself and connect with readers on an instant level. However, having something tangible might now be on your mind. You may be considering perfect bound book printing as the next step, turning your blogs into a memoir, or to reach a wider audience, or perhaps to generate some extra revenue. So, how can you turn your blog into a book? Let’s take a look:

Assess your blog content

Consider the type of book you ae wanting to publish and then asses the content you have. You may have blogs that span over years, but you might not want to include all of them within your published book. You will therefore need to sift through them to find the ones most relevant for the book you want to put together.

Consider your most popular blogs and see what they have in common and how they might be able to compartmentalise within the book. Give thought to of your personal favourites and how they might work. And consider comparing older posts to newer ones and see how these might show an evolution of thinking. It’s also worth reaching out to your current audience to see what they might want to be included within your book, and why.

Agree an outline

Once you have your content, you’re able to start thinking about your outline. Giving thought to what you are hoping to achieve from your book consider whether you want to go chronologically or by theme. If you’re producing a memoir or a self-help book, chronological us usually best. And if you’re looking at creating more of a how-to or informative book, thematic chapters might work better. 

Fill in any gaps

Once you have an outline agreed, you can start to see where there might be some gaps that need filling to create a cohesive piece of writing. Older posts might need polishing, and most posts will need to have hyperlinks or hashtags removed. From there, you can progress to offering up some new content within in blog.

You want to be able to expand on your current blogs – and where possible, add completely new content. For it to be successful you want to make sure you are adding something new to what you have already achieved. Otherwise, you might not find any interested parties, as no one wants to pay for something they can read for free online.

Check for consistency

Once you have your sections and made amendments, you want to make sure the overall book, themes and messages are consistent with one another, and that everything flows. Read your book from start to finish to ensure it is coherent and achieving what you had set out to do. If anything seems out of place, look to remove it or rearrange. And if something is lacking, see what you can do to add some content in. Hone in on your style and ensure it is consistent throughout. And you might want to consider having another pair of eyes proofread your book – you’ll be surprised what they pick up.

Publish and market your book

Now your book is ready to be published! You’ll need a cover, a blurb, and to decide how your book will be bound. Perfect bound book printing holds the highest esteem, which you may want to consider when you market yourself from blogger to published author.

Remember what your initial goal was for turning your blogs into a book and use that to help promote it. And best of luck!

Choose Print2Demand 

If you’re considering self-publishing your own book, or need design help or print advice converting your PDF to a printed book, consider Print2Demand bespoke book printing services.  

We are an all round UK book manufacturing and printing service. We work closely with publishers, self publishers and authors. We have a state of the art factory, complemented by our sales and marketing office in Westoning, Bedfordshire. We have invested in the very latest digital and litho printing technology, to integrate with a fully equipped craftsman bindery.  The conclusion of which means we are offering both softback and hardback books, to a very high standard of quality. 

Order your digital commercial book printing online or contact our team for more information.