The Pros And Cons Of Printing Your Own Book

With the ever-increasing progression in online facilities and printing options it has become far easier to get original written work printed and published – whereas previously, if you had written a book, to get it printed you would have needed to be accepted by a publishing house and go through the many judgemental and industry processes before seeing your words in print. Now, self-publishing is an accessible option – but not without its own challenges – here are some of the pros and cons of self-publishing:     


There are many advantages to going down the self-publishing route – the accessibility for bespoke book printing under your own control offers a great opportunity from these aspects: 

1. Sharing Your Story

When you have an idea for a book or a story that you are excited about, it is a natural feeling to want to share that vision with others – although not everyone will agree with you! In the past, if you approached a book publisher with your idea, and they didn’t like it then that would be the end of it – you couldn’t get your story into print for others to judge for themselves! Now, you can bypass that doubt from others by self-publishing and your story can be accessed by a much wider audience who just might take to your vision and tale! 

2. Enhanced Royalty Rates

Through traditional publishing channels, you would lose a large percentage of any income to your publisher – they are charging you for editing, formatting, printing, marketing, and distribution – all of which eats heavily into any monies generated through your book. As an alternative, for example, Amazon offer their independent authors up to 70% in royalties of the book sales – a vast difference from what you would receive from a publisher! 

3. Creative Control

Bespoke book printing affords you complete control over how and where your book is accessed – a publisher may only be inclined to use one or two of their own preferred distribution methods or outlets – but there are many options that may be relevant and viable for your book. As well as the actual printed version, there may be opportunities to distribute your book as a digital eBook, or an audiobook or even, if the content is relevant, adapted as a screenplay or computer game! Self-publishing gives you complete creative control as to the distribution of your work as well as the content.  

4. Public Distribution

Some authors may deem getting their work into public libraries as unnecessary as they want their book to generate income through sales – not by people reading it for free in a lending library! You should consider, however, that libraries themselves have a budget for buying-in their content, and the exposure your book may get can lead to increased sales when people recommend it to others having read it from the library!  


There are, of course, some drawbacks to digital book printing and self-publishing as opposed to using a professional, established publisher – however, they need not deter you from your aim but it is useful to just be aware of certain aspects: 

1. Industry Reputation

The long-established publishing industry is, not surprisingly, not over-enthusiastic about the self-publishing options now available to writers – and can take a somewhat ‘aloof’ view of self-published authors. Not that this, in itself, is a bad thing if you are to continue self-publishing all your own works – it may, however, make it more difficult to transition to an established publisher in the future should you so wish to do. 

2. Costs

One of the bigger disadvantages – or problems – with self-publishing is the overheads. Bespoke printing books ‘under your own steam’ so to speak, means that you will have to find many of the costs upfront. Along with the printing costs you have to consider other aspects of book production such as choosing print format styles, book binding methods or, if you wish to use a professional editor or a proof reader to finalise your book, perhaps a cover designer, or establish a website then these costs, along with marketing overheads, will need to be met by yourself before you can start to reap the benefits of eventual book sales. 

3. Difficult Book Store Distribution

As a self-publisher it is more difficult to get your book into the major bookstores – they largely deal with established distributors and don’t favour self-published authors. The other sales options though, the likes of Amazon and other online outlets, can generate great income from your books. 

4. Industry Recognition

Another drawback of the ’established’ publishing industry is the esteem – or lack of – afforded to self-publishers due mainly, I think, to the threat offered to their previously unchallenged business and profit! What this equates to is that it is very rare for self-published works to be recognised within the industry when it comes to awards – however, if your aim is have your book make money and get you recognised as an established writer, then the lack of awards will not be too much of a disappointment! 

As you can see, there are pros and cons to bespoke book printing and self-publishing – but I think the pros ‘win out’, especially when trying to get initially established. Self-publishing isn’t easy but the benefits of this route when you see your story selling makes it worthwhile!  

Choose Print2Demand for bespoke book printing

We are an all round UK book manufacturing and printing service. We work closely with publishers, self publishers and authors. We have a state of the art factory, complemented by our sales and marketing office in Westoning, Bedfordshire. We have invested in the very latest digital and litho printing technology, to integrate with a fully equipped craftsman bindery. Contact our team for more information.